Human Design
What Is Human Design?
It is a transformational life tool to support you to flourish as your true self, to decondition from societal imprints and to ultimately navigate life in alignment. Human Design is the gateway to your Soul’s blueprint in this lifetime. It brings together your Astrological energies from your time of birth and from 88 days pre birth. Your birth time holds all your Soul keys for you to unlock your innate gifts and talents and how you can thrive by living authentically and by embodying your passions.
Human Design was channelled through to a man called Ra Uru Hu from Source Consciousness in Ibiza for 8 days he went into meditation, starting on 3rd January 1987. 1987 was the a very potent time for the evolution of consciousness and it began to rapidly rise since then. The synchronistic timing of Human Design correlates to ‘The Harmonic Convergence’ which was a world-wide peace meditation that was held on 16th August 1987.
Human Design Combines Four Ancient Modalities, Modern Science, Genetics and Quantum Mechanics;
✨️Western Astrology
✨️The I Ching
✨️The Hindu Brahmin Chakra System
✨️The Kabbalah Tree Of Life- The Map Of Consciousness
Human Design has been an absolute life changer for Cathy and she is so excited to support you in unravelling your beautiful Soul codes.
You can book in for your 1:1 Human Design coaching package including psychic guidance.
And scroll down to receive your free human design chart - you need your exact time of birth e.g the 22nd October 1987, please input as 22.10.1987 and the location e.g Limerick, Munster, Ireland